Widget and Ozone Software Engineering Gurus
We apply our web expertise in tandem with our extensive mobile engineering capabilities to develop integrated solutions in support of critical information analysis requirements for U.S. Warfighters in the field. Our solutions enable our customers to make tactical and strategic national security decisions faster and more accurately.
Many in our community are faced with supporting legacy apps that may not fit into the new web based or widget paradigm. Our engineers can assist you with migration as well as help you deliver applications that can support future missions. Don't be left "out of the store"
Ozone Widget Framework (OWF) OWF is a web desktop or webtop environment. The OWF widget environment leverages window to window messaging making it effective for large enterprise application consolidation. The framework provides a suite of APIs that enable the Widget developer to extend their Web application through the use of inter-widget communication. You can download the OWF as Government Open Source Software (GOSS) through GitHub at https://github.com/ozoneplatform/owf/
Developing effective widgets is more of an art than a science. The idea that a small lightweight application be capable of functions only previously reserved for large scale client/server based applications is a strange concept to most developers. We leverage our experience in the Intelligence Community, DoD, and commercial sector, to deliver effective and creative applications to your end user.
3 Critical Widget Design Mistakes
Ensure user interface logic is independent of business logic. This will ensure maximum future reuse. - Abstraction
External interactions outside of the widget should be abstracted via an interface. It's always easier to set a configuration parameter than to rewrite code. -
Pay attention to the design of the user interface. After all someone has to use this thing. You can have the most elegant code ever written, but if your user interface is horrible nobody is going to use it.
Our applications empower national security decision and support in an increasingly mobile military.
Brett Johnson, Principal Engineer![]()
Create Dashboards for your Workforce
Dashboards enable your users to have a central "toolbox" for common apps they are required to use in their daily tasking. This reduces new hire training and ensures staff is delivering consistent results utilizing the same mandated tool sets and procedures. Find out how our solutions will save your workforce time and you money in training costs.
Need Help building out a new look for your app store? Dont have a clue about GSP or SASS or even where to begin? Get it done right with a team of experts ready to step in.
Put your style into hyper drive with our experts in SASS “Sassy CSS”. Sass enables you to add nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. Complicated visual applications can be made maintainable again.
Are widgets just another fad?
The implementation of widget based application delivery has only begun. To foster improvements to all government supported applications, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012. Congess has stressed its support of the Ozone Widget Framework (OWF) open source initative stating, "The Army and other organizations are banking on the success of the OWF and widget development to solve major search, query, and correlation requirements." Several branches of government are in need of these solutions as their legacy applications have become too difficult to manage. Falcon supports these agencies and can assist your organization to modernize its applications.